Länsstyrelsen Västra Götaland has decided on a total barbecue and fire bans in the county from 16:00 on today 25 July.
This means that it is forbidden to:
- grill on your own landmark
- use disposable grill
- use a storm kitchen
- make a fire or grill directly on the ground (even with stone rocks and at fixed barbecue areas)
- cook or grill outdoors at campsites
- use pyrotechnic equipment such as fireworks outdoors
The person who violates the ban is guilty of a crime and may be liable in accordance with the Act on Protection against Accidents.
The fire ban will be lifted as soon as fire risk has fallen and is at a low stable level. We want to emphasize that the fire risk will remain very high and therefore it is not free to grill or cook only because it rains a bit. There will be a large amount of rainfall before the land recovers.
Read more at Länsstyrelsen.